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Your donation makes a difference, however you give. Every act of kindness from you means a lot.
  1. Donated in 1995

    Your donation makes a difference, however you give. Every act of kindness from you means a lot.

    $75, 892

  2. Donated in 2000

    Your donation makes a difference, however you give. Every act of kindness from you means a lot.

    $85, 592

  3. Donated in 2005

    Your donation makes a difference, however you give. Every act of kindness from you means a lot.

    $157, 990

  4. Donated in 2010

    Your donation makes a difference, however you give. Every act of kindness from you means a lot.

    $85, 592

  5. Donated in 2015

    Your donation makes a difference, however you give. Every act of kindness from you means a lot.

    $202, 128

  6. Donated in 2020

    Your donation makes a difference, however you give. Every act of kindness from you means a lot.

    $212, 347

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15 Donations Every Year
730 Great Local Volunteers
347 Face to Face Visits in 2018
160 Organized Local Events

“It’s like a big family”

Your donation makes a difference, however you give. Every act of kindness from you means a lot.comfort to people. Ut enim ad minim veniam.quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Excepteur sint mas.

Adam Graham

“It’s like a big family”

Your donation makes a difference, however you give. Every act of kindness from you means a lot.comfort to people. Ut enim ad minim veniam.quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Excepteur sint mas.

Adam Graham

We Need Your Help

We need to raise $6.3 million each year to provide our services

With 3 shops located in US, you're never far away from a Mikado Hospice shop

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Our call handlers are waiting to take your call any time of day or night, seven days a week. They can answer your queries and help put you in touch with our specialist if you need support.

Call Mikado Care Navigation Center on 01233 504133 if you, or someone close to you is a service user and needs advice.

Want to hear more about Mikado Hospice?


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